With the cost of living becoming higher and higher these days, perhaps you have started looking for different ways to save money. During the hot summer months, the cost to cool your home can be substantial. In this blog, we are going to look at some alternative ways you can keep your home a lot cooler for a lot less money.
One simple way to keep your home a few degrees cooler on a sunny day is to keep your drapes and blinds closed on the south and west-facing windows. This will help to reduce heat gains. Another thing you can do is install awnings for windows and patio doors that face the sun. Of course, you will have an initial cost to do this, but it will be beneficial in the long run.
Another simple trick is to turn off lights and appliances when you are not using them. The amount of heat they give off may surprise you.
Open your windows during the cooler evening hours and at night which will help to cool down the house.
To help circulate the air in the home you may want to think about installing ceiling fans.
If you want to plan for energy saving over a long period, you should also think about landscape shading. This method incorporates the strategic planting of trees. The tree’s dense leaves shade the home during the summer months but allow the sun to heat the home when they lose their leaves during the winter.
These are just a few simple ideas to keep your home cooler for less during the warmer months.